Unfortunately this revolution is more than a T-Shirt away (Billy Bragg).
Ad Supported Music
Digital Music News, Forrester Researches "End of Music Industry As We Know It" (19 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021908forrester>
Digital Music News, Details Bubbling on Major-Backed, Ad-Supported Venture (19 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021708ad> at 21 February 2008
Digital Music News, Qtrax No-Show Continues, "Technical Issues" Remain (12 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021108qtrax> at 19 February 2008
Slyck, This Week in P2P News (1 February 2008) <http://www.slyck.com/story1653_This_Week_in_P2P_News> at 5 February 2008
Anti-Trust Issues
Digital Music News, Entrepreneurs Lash Out Against Lopsided Major Label Deals (27 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/022608label> at 28 February 2008
Digital Music News, Universal Music Satisfies Regulators, Sheds Publishing Assets (25 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/022408universal> at 28 February 2008
Digital Music News, Feds Investigate Total Music; Collusion Issues Resurface (8 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/020708total> at 19 February 2008
Guardian Unlimited, Total Music initiative sparks anti-trust investigation (8 February 2008) <http://music.guardian.co.uk/news/story/0,,2254774,00.html> at 15 February 2008
The Register, Major labels 'face DoJ antitrust probe' (7 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/07/universal_sonybmg_antitrust_report/> at 8 February 2008
TechDirt, Major Labels Under Antitrust Investigation (7 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080207/073755196.shtml> at 8 February 2008
Digital Music News, Universal Music Fish Gets Bigger, Pond Keeps Shrinking (30 January 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/013008vivendi> at 4 Febraury 2008
TechDirt, Open Does Not Mean Communal (4 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080131/003825134.shtml> at 6 February 2008
TechDirt, Australian High Court Judge Recognizes That Technology Outpaces The Law (22 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080222/153544324.shtml> at 25 February 2008
TorrentFreak, RIAA Reminds Me of The Mafia, says Musician (23 February 2008) <http://torrentfreak.com/riaa-reminds-me-of-the-mafia-080222/> at 28 February 2008
Digital Music News, Canada Says It Out Loud; Legal P2P Proposal Emerges (21 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/022008canada> at 22 February 2008
TechDirt, The Grammy In Mathematics... Or Copyright Infringement? (12 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080211/225538236.shtml> at 13 February 2008
ArsTechnica, Booty call: Music has-beens line up to sue The Pirate Bay
(17 February 2008) <http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080217-booty-call-music-has-beens-line-up-to-sue-the-pirate-bay.html> at 18 February 2008
ZeroPaid, Village People Sue The Pirate Bay, ABBA to Follow? (16 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9273/Village+People+Sue+The+Pirate+Bay%2C+ABBA+to+Follow%3F> at 18 February 2008
TechDirt, As Expected, BitTorrent Providers Planning To Route Around Comcast Barrier (18 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080215/171450267.shtml> at 19 February 2008
The Register, BitTorrent busts Comcast BitTorrent busting (19 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/19/bittorrent_developers_hit_back_at_comcast/> at 19 February 2008
The Register, Comcast cops to BitTorrent busting (13 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/13/comcast_fcc_network_management_filing/> at 15 February 2008
Slyck, The Pirate Bay Faces Lousy $740,000 Indictment (31 January 2008) <http://www.slyck.com/story1652_The_Pirate_Bay_Faces_Lousy_740000_Indictment> at 5 February 2008
Digital Music News, Pirate Bay Gets Shorted In Denmark, ISP Blocks Access (6 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/020508pirate> at 19 February 2008
TechDirt, Danish ISP Doesn't Understand Why It's Supposed To Block Pirate Bay (6 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080206/165610190.shtml> at 7 February 2008
Slyck, The Pirate Bay Cache Blocked in Denmark (4 February 2008) <http://www.slyck.com/story1655_The_Pirate_Bay_Cache_Blocked_in_Denmark> at 7 February 2008
ZeroPaid, Danish ISP May Fight Court Order to Block the Pirate Bay (7 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9249/Danish+ISP+May+Fight+Court+Order+to+Block+The+Pirate+Bay> at 8 February 2008
ZeroPaid, Danish ISP Decides to Fight Order to Block The Pirate Bay (15 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9270/Danish+ISP+Decides+to+Fight+Order+to+Block+The+Pirate+Bay> at 17 February 2008
TorrentFreak, The Pirate Bay Fights Danish ISP Block (5 February 2008) <http://torrentfreak.com/the-pirate-bay-fights-danish-isp-block-080205/> at 8 February 2008
ZeroPaid, Pirate Bay Captain Speaks Out on TV for the First Time (12 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9257/Pirate+Bay+Captain+Speaks+Out+on+TV+for+the+First+Time> at 13 February 2008
TechDirt, Danish Block Of The Pirate Bay Leads To Even More Traffic (11 February 2008) < http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080211/031224223.shtml> at 13 February 2008
ZeroPaid, MiniNova - 4 Billion Downloads (19 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9276/MiniNova+-+4+Billion+Downloads> at 21 February 2008
TorrentFreak, TorrentFreedom Offers 100% Anonymous and Unrestricted BitTorrent Written (8 February 2008) <http://torrentfreak.com/torrentfreedom-offers-anonymous-and-unrestricted-bittorrent-080208/> at 8 February 2008
TorrentFreak, How a BitTorrent Tracker Owner Hides from the MPAA/RIAA (6 February 2008) <http://torrentfreak.com/how-a-bittorrent-tracker-owner-hides-from-the-anti-pirates-080206/> at 7 February 2008
Blanket/Collective Licensing
Digital Music News, Pro-Swapping Advocate Emerges In Sweden (10 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021008swedish> at 19 February 2008
CD Sales
SiliconValley.com/Los Angeles Times, More teens ignore CDs in buying their tunes (27 February 2008) <http://www.siliconvalley.com/news/ci_8376237> at 29 February 2008
Digital Music News, Sales Bath Continues In January, Double-Digit Declines (5 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/020408cds> at 19 February 2008
Digital Music News, Vivendi's Levy: Don't Count CDs Out Yet (28 January 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/012708levy> at 30 January 2008
CNet News/Reuters/Billboard, Flash drives offer new choices for music fans (17 February 2008) <http://www.news.com/Flash-drives-offer-new-choices-for-music-fans/2100-1027_3-6230976.html?tag=nefd.top>
at 18 February 2008
TechDirt, UK Politicians Support Having Musicians Paid Multiple Times If Tix Are Resold (10 January 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080110/010423.shtml> at 18 January 2008
Digital Music News, Top Touring Artists Suffer Substantial Revenue Dip (2 January 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/010207touring> at 11 January 2008
Constitutional Law
TechDirt, On The Constitutional Reasons Behind Copyright And Patents (21 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080220/020252302.shtml> at 25 February 2008
Digital Music News, Supreme Court Not Ready To Take On The First Amendment Aspects Of Copyright Just Yet (9 January 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080108/021412.shtml. at 11 January 2008
Copyright Law EU
The Register, Euro MPs wanr criminal penalties for downloaders (22 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/22/eu_wants_ip_action/> at 25 February 2008
The Register, EU commissioner backs record biz on copyright extensions (15 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/15/eu_copyright_extension_mccreevy/> at 18 February 2008
EFFector, Filtering and Copyright Extension Fail to Find a Home in EU Vol. 21, No. 03 (24 January 2008) <http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/01/filtering-and-copyright-extension-fail-find-home-eu> at 30 January 2008
Copyright Law Other Countries
EFF Deeplinks, CopyrightHistory.org: Copyright Before 1900 (24 February 2008) <http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/02/thats-public-domain-copyright-1900> at 29 February 2008
ZeroPaid, Italian Parliament Legalizes File-Sharing of MP3s (5 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9242/Italian+Parliament+Legalizes+File-Sharing+of+MP3s> at 6 February 2008
Copyright Law USA
EFF Deeplinks, CopyrightHistory.org: Copyright Before 1900 (24 February 2008) <http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/02/thats-public-domain-copyright-1900> at 29 February 2008
Wired, Courts Split over Legal Fees in Copyright Infringement Lawsuits (25 February 2008) <http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2008/02/courts-split-ov.html> at 26 February 2008
ZeroPaid, w00t! Will Congressman's Death Mean Change in Copyright Laws? (16 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9272/w00t%21+Will+Congressman%27s+Death+Mean+Change+in+Copyright+Laws%3F> at 17 February 2008
TechDirt, Is Selling A CD You Found In The Trash Copyright Infringement? (14 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080207/131317200.shtml> at 17 February 2008
TechDirt, Bush Administration Spending More Taxpayer Money On Intellectual Property Prosecutions (12 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080211/224115235.shtml> at 13 February 2008
EFFector, Update on Pro-IP Act: DC Roundtable on Statutory Damages (6 February 2008) Vol. 21, No. 04 <http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/01/update-pro-ip-act-roundtable-statutory-damages> at 7 February 2008
ArsTechnica, PRO-IP Act is dangerous and unnecessary, say industry groups (5 February 2008) <http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080205-white-paper-pro-ip-acts-damage-increases-are-dangerous.html> at 7 February 2008
TechDirt, RIAA Can't Explain Why Copyright Damages Should Be Higher (30 January 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080130/012658122.shtml> at 4 February 2008
TechDirt, Should We Privatize Copryight Registrations? (5 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080130/095844128.shtml> at 7 February 2008
Copyright Term
ZeroPaid, Open Rights Group Urges on Fight to Stop Copyright Extension (22 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9285/Open+Rights+Group+Urges+on+Fight+to+Stop+Copyright+Extension> at 25 February 2008
The Register, EU commissioner backs record biz on copyright extensions (15 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/15/eu_copyright_extension_mccreevy/> at 18 February 2008
TechDirt, EU Looks To Extend Copyright And Blank Media Levies (15 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080214/193731260.shtml> at 17 February 2008
Digital Music Stores
Digital Music News, iTunes Becomes Second Largest Music Retailer, Fuzzy Math Applies (27 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/022608fuzzy> at 28 February 2008
Digital Music News, LimeWire Keeps Legit Flame Alive, Taps Redeye Content (22 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/022108limewire> at 25 February 2008
Digital Sales
Digital Music News, Digital Percentages Accelerating Rapidly at Majors (28 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/022708percentages> at 29 February 2008
Digital Music News, Once Again, Digital Album Sales Get Top Billing (13 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021308johnson/view> at 15 February 2008
TechDirt, Did Slate Violate Copyright Law? (20 January 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080120/07363714.shtml> at 30 January 2008
TechDirt, DRM Prevents AppleTV From Working On Some Hardware (27 February 2008)
<http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080226/092905359.shtml> at 28 February 2008
Wired, Vinyl Frontier: Left-for-Dead Music Is Resurrected for the Digital Age (18 January 2008) <http://www.wired.com/entertainment/music/magazine/16-02/pl_music> at 8 February 2008
TechDirt, The Economics Of Free Isn't Good Or Bad -- It's Simply What Happens (27 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080226/200633366.shtml> at 28 February 2008
Wired, Free! Why $0.00 Is the Future of Business (25 February 2008) <http://www.wired.com/techbiz/it/magazine/16-03/ff_free?currentPage=all> at 28 February 2008
TechDirt, That 'Free' Stuff Is Catching On... (26 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080225/183427355.shtml> at 28 February 2008
TechDirt, Another Business Model That Leverages 'Free' (21 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080218/030126279.shtml> at 25 February 2008
TechDirt, Another Look At The 'Does File Sharing Equal Stealing?' Question (20 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080219/014250290.shtml> at 22 February 2008
Education Strategies/Campaigns
The Register, Microsoft Swoops into Schools to Teach p2p Morality (14 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/14/microsoft_ip_education/> at 15 February 2008
Digital Music News, eMusic Starts Fishing for Talent, Dons A&R Cap (13 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021208emusic> at 19 February 2008
Failure to Adapt
Slyck, This Week in P2P News (1 February 2008) <http://www.slyck.com/story1653_This_Week_in_P2P_News> at 5 February 2008
Digital Music News, Kids Today, "Greatest Generation Gap Since Rock N' Roll" (30 January 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/013008growing> at 4 February 2008
Fair Use/Fair Dealing
TechDirt,Humorless Guitarists Take Down Amusing YouTube Mashup Video (7 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080206/213656192.shtml> at 8 February 2008
Digital Muisc News, XM Satellite Settles Down, Reaches Sony BMG Accord (1 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/020108xm> at 6 February 2008
ZeroPaid, Italian Parliament Legalizes File-Sharing of MP3s (5 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9242/Italian+Parliament+Legalizes+File-Sharing+of+MP3s> at 6 February 2008
Digital Music News, Verizon Won't Play Bad Cop, Refuses Traffic Filtering (6 February 2008) < http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/020608verizon> at 19 February 2008
ZeroPaid, Verizon to Hollywood: 'We Won't Help You Fight Piracy' (6 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9247/Verizon+to+Hollywood%3A+%27We+Won%27t+Help+You+Fight+Piracy%27> at 7 February 2008
TechDirt, ISP Copyright Filter Debate Continues: Verizon Stays Away, While Rep. Bono Is All For Filtering (30 January 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080130/152634129.shtml> at 4 February 2008
ZeroPaid, RIAA Wants Anti-Virus Software to Filter Pirated Content? (7 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9251/RIAA+Wants+Anti-Virus+Software+to+Filter+Pirated+Content%3F> at 8 February 2008
Public Knowledge, RIAA wants content filters and proposes spyware too (6 February 2008) <http://www.publicknowledge.org/node/1388> at 8 February 2008
The Register, RIAA chief calls for copyright filters on PCs (8 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/08/riaa_wants_filters_for_end_users/> at 8 February 2008
TechDirt, RIAA Says Copyright Filters Could Be Put In Anti-Virus Software (7 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080207/131223199.shtml> at 8 February 2008
The Star, The Dangers of Locking Down the Internet (28 January 2008) <http://www.thestar.com/columnists/article/297938> at 7 February 2008
Digital Music News, Imeem Goes Anywhere, Grabs Community Streaming Platform (29 January 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/012808imeem> at 30 January 2008
Wired, Vinyl Frontier: Left-for-Dead Music Is Resurrected for the Digital Age (18 January 2008) <http://www.wired.com/entertainment/music/magazine/16-02/pl_music> at 8 February 2008
ArsTechnica, Music exec: "Music 1.0 is dead." (26 February 2008) <http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080226-music-exec-music-1-0-is-dead.html> at 28 February 2008
Individual Lawsuits Other Countries
EFFector, EU Law Does Not Require ISP to Hand Over Customers' Identity Data in Alleged Filesharing Case (6 February 2008)Vol. 21, No. 04 <http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/01/eu-law-does-not-require> at 7 February 2008
The Register, EU data ruling slaps filesharers with red herring (31 January 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/01/31/eu_filesharing_bpi_data/> at 4 February 2008
Individual Lawsuits USA
CNet News Blog, RIAA marks one year of college threat-letter drive (21 February 2008) <http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9876121-7.html> at 29 February 2008
ZeroPaid, RIAA College Crackdown Part 13, Targets 401 More Students (26 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9288/RIAA+College+Crackdown+Part+13%2C+Targets+401+More+Students> at 27 February 2008
Digital Music News, RIAA College Crackdown Hits Sophomore Year (22 February 2008)
<http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/022108riaa> at 25 February 2008
ZeroPaid, Oklahoma State Hands Over Names of Suspected File Sharers to RIAA (15 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9268/Oklahoma+State+Hands+Over+Names+of+Suspected+File-Sharers+to+RIAA> at 17 February 2008
Wired, Courts Split over Legal Fees in Copyright Infringement Lawsuits (25 February 2008) <http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2008/02/courts-split-ov.html> at 26 February 2008
EFF Deeplinks, RIAA File-Sharing Complaint Fails to Support Default Judgment (25 February 2008)
<http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/02/riaa-file-sharing-complaint-fails-support-default-judgment> at 29 February 2008
TechDirt, Judge Dismisses Racketeering Charge Against RIAA (25 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080224/175035335.shtml> at 28 February 2008
TechDirt, Another Court Rejects RIAA's 'Making Available' Claim (25 February 2008)
<http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080225/175414353.shtml> at 28 February 2008
RecordingIndsutryvThePeople, Default judgment denied in Atlantic v. Brennan, RIAA complaint insufficient, possible defenses of copyright misuse, excessive damages (25 February 2008) <http://recordingindustryvspeople.blogspot.com/2008/02/default-judgment-denied-in-atlantic-v.html> at 28 February 2008
Recording Industry v The People, Judge grants EFF motion for leave to file amicus curiae brief in Arista v. Does 1-21 (7 February 2008) <http://recordingindustryvspeople.blogspot.com/2008/02/judge-grants-eff-motion-for-leave-to.html> at 8 February 2008
EFF, Arista v. Does 1-21: What's At Stake for the Rest of Us (7 February 2008) <http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/02/arista-v-does-1-21-getting-riaa-play-rules> at 15 February 2008
ArsTechnica, Improper joinder rulings, sanctions threats don't deter RIAA (14 February 2008) <http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080214-improper-joinder-rulings-sanctions-threats-dont-deter-riaa.html> at 18 February 2008
TechDirt, RIAA To Prosecutors: Use Piracy Charges To Round Up Drug Dealers And Terrorists (21 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080220/151032309.shtml> at 25 February 2008
TechDirt, Quotes From Judges Who Aren't Swayed By Flimsy RIAA 'Evidence' (13 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080213/231821255.shtml> at 15 February 2008
RecordingIndustryvThePeople, Practice tip : collecting materials on MediaSentry relating to (a) illegality, (b) discoverability, and (c) admissibility (8 February 2008) <http://recordingindustryvspeople.blogspot.com/2008/02/practice-tip-collecting-materials-on.html>at 13 February 2008
TechDirt, Another Claim Of Illegal RIAA Investigative Techniques (6 February 2008)
<http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080205/230542187.shtml> at 7 February 2008
Slyck, RIAA Not Impressed with Legal Concerns Surrounding Media Sentry (6 February 2008) <http://www.slyck.com/story1657_RIAA_Not_Impressed_with_Legal_Concerns_Surrounding_Media_Sentry> at 7 February 2008
ISP Liability
TechDirt, Can Someone Explain Why It Should Be An ISP's Responsibility To Deal With File Sharing? (22 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080222/011616321.shtml> at 25 February 2008
BBC News, Illegal Downloaders 'face UK ban' (12 February 2008) <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7240234.stm> at 13 February 2008
ZeroPaid, UK Govt to ISPs: 'You Have Until April '09 to Punish File Sharers' (26 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9289/UK+Govt+to+ISPs%3A+%27You+Have+Until+April+%2709+to+Punish+File-Sharers%27> at 28 February 2008
Digital Music News, British Government Gives Industry, ISPs Ultimatum (25 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/022408uk> at 26 February 2008
The Register, Government rattles 'three strikes' filesharing sabre again (22 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/22/burnham_dcms_filesharing/> at 25 February 2008
Digital Music News, Operation ISP: Legislative Proposals Emerge in UK (13 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021208isp> at 19 February 2008
TechDirt, UK To Force ISPs To Kick Casual File Sharers Off The Internet (12 February 2008)<http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080211/220305233.shtml> at 13 February 2008
Slyck, UK Moves to Disconnect P2P Pirates (12 February 2008) <http://www.slyck.com/story1661_UK_Moves_to_Disconnect_P2P_Pirates> at 13 February 2008
Slyck, UK ISPs Balk at Unplugging P2P Pirates (14 February 2008) <http://www.slyck.com/story1662_UK_ISPs_Balk_at_Unplugging_P2P_Pirates> at 18 February 2008
Digital Music News, Operation ISP: Legislative Proposals Emerge in UK (12 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021208isp/view> at 15 February 2008
ZeroPaid, Labels Love ISPs Disconnecting File Sharers, But Who Will Pay for Lawsuits? (14 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9265/Labels+Love+ISPs+Disconnecting+File-Sharers%2C+but+Who%27ll+Pay+for+Lawsuits%3F> at 15 February 2008
ZeroPaid, UK P2P Crackdown to Fuel Wi-Fi Hi Jacking (14 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9264/UK+P2P+Crackdown+to+Fuel+Wi-Fi+Hijacking%3F> at 15 February 2008
The Register, ISPs demand record biz pays up if cut-off P2P users sue (12 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/12/anti_filesharing_paper_leak/> at 13 February 2008
The Register, Filesharing shambles revealed as 'deal' collapses (15 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/15/tiscali_bpi_agreement/> at 18 February 2008
TorrentFreak, 5 Reasons Why Illegal Downloaders Will Not Face a UK Ban (12 February 2008)
<http://torrentfreak.com/illegal-downloaders-will-not-face-uk-ban-080212/> at 13 February 2008
Digital Music News, Three-Strikes Hits Australia: ISP Legislation Considered (19 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021708australia> at 21 February 2008
ZeroPaid, Australian ISPs May Also Ban File-Sharers from the Internet (20 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9281/Australian+ISPs+May+Also+Ban+File-Sharers+from+the+Internet> at 21 February 2008
TechDirt, Australia Latest To Consider Kicking People Off The Internet For File Sharing (18 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080218/014201277.shtml> at 19 February 2008
Sydney Morning Herald, War on music piracy (17 February 2008) <http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2008/02/16/1202760662778.html> at 19 February 2008
EFFector, As Evidence of Piracy Weakens, House Passes Overbearing "Campus Digital Theft Prevention" Requirements Vol. 21, No. 6 (22 February 2008) <http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/02/evidence-piracy-weakens-house-passes-overbearing-campus-digital-theft-prevention-r> at 25 February 2008
ZeroPaid, US Congress Pass Anti-Campus File Sharing Requirements (12 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9259/US+Congress+Passes+Anti-Campus+File-sharing+Requirements> at 13 February 2008
ZeroPaid, Tennessee Proposes Own Crackdown On College Campus File Sharing (28 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9293/Tennessee+Proposes+Own+Crackdown+on+College+Campus+File-Sharing> at 29 February 2008
ArsTechnica, Tennessee legislation would turn schools into copyright cops (25 February 2008) <http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080225-tennessee-legislation-would-turn-schools-into-copyright-cops.html> at 28 February 2008
Digital Music News, iTunes Becomes Second Largest Music Retailer, Fuzzy Math Applies (27 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/022608fuzzy> at 28 February 2008
Labels Revenue
The NPD Group, Consumers Acquire More Music in 2007, But Spend Less (26 February 2008) <http://www.npd.com/press/releases/press_080226a.html> at 27 February 2008
ZeroPaid, Studies - Music Sales: Canada Up, USA Down (5 January 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9173/Studies+-+Music+Sales%3A+Canada+Up%2C+USA+Down> at 8 January 2008
Digital Music News, License It & They Will Come: Free Streaming Boosts Last.fm (25 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/102408last> at 26 February 2008
The Register, Copyright Levy under EU Spotlight (15 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/15/eu_copyright_levy_consultation/> at 18 February 2008
TechDirt, EU Looks To Extend Copyright And Blank Media Levies (15 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080214/193731260.shtml> at 17 February 2008
Digital Music News, LimeWire Keeps Legit Flame Alive, Taps Redeye Content (22 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/022108limewire> at 25 February 2008
ZeroPaid, STUDY: 26% of Kids Still Using Limewire (1 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9239/STUDY%3A+26%25+of+Kids+Still+Using+Limewire> at 4 February 2008
Digital Music News, Universal Music Satisfies Regulators, Sheds Publishing Assets (25 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/022408universal> at 28 February 2008
Digital Music News, Fog Starts Lifting on MySpace, Major Label Discussions (21 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/022008myspace> at 25 February 2008
ArsTechnica, Blog, social network buzz correlates to better album sales (9February 2008) <http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080209-blog-social-network-buzz-correlates-to-better-album-sales.html> at 13 February 2008
Digital Music News, Kitty Still Tame; Napster Subscriber Tally Stay Flat (6 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/020608napster> at 19 February 2008
New Business Models
Digital Music News, Forrester Researches "End of Music Industry As We Know It" (19 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021908forrester>
Wired, Free! Why $0.00 Is the Future of Business (25 February 2008) <http://www.wired.com/techbiz/it/magazine/16-03/ff_free?currentPage=all> at 28 February 2008
Digital Music News, Queen of Soul Leaving Arista, Independent Strategy Underway (6 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/020508franklin> at 19 February 2008
ArsTechnica, Blog, social network buzz correlates to better album sales (9 February 2008) <http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080209-blog-social-network-buzz-correlates-to-better-album-sales.html> at 13 February 2008
Digital Music News, Does Chatter Matter? University Researchers Say Yes (12 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021108chatter> at 19 February 2008
Digital Music News, eMusic Starts Fishing for Talent, Dons A&R Cap (13 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021208emusic> at 19 February 2008
CNet News/Reuters/Billboard, Flash drives offer new choices for music fans (17 February 2008) <http://www.news.com/Flash-drives-offer-new-choices-for-music-fans/2100-1027_3-6230976.html?tag=nefd.top> at 18 February 2008
The Dues, Pay what you want - does it work? (January 2008) Issue 14 Volume 1 <http://www.musicians.asn.au/ezine/archives/issue14/index.html> at 9 February 2008
Wired, How to Luge, Brew Ginger Beer, Start a Record Label (18 January 2008) Issue 16.2 <http://www.wired.com/culture/lifestyle/magazine/16-02/st_howto> at 8 February 2008
TechDirt, EMI Brings Newspaper Free Music Giveaway To The US (30 January 2008)
<http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080129/192849117.shtml> at 4 February 2008
TechDirt, Judge Dismisses Racketeering Charge Against RIAA (25 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080224/175035335.shtml> at 28 February 2008
ZeroPaid, IFPI Praise Raid on 335 Internet Cafes with 600 Cops to Make 1 Arrest (February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9234/IFPI+Praises+Raid+on+335+Internet+Cafes+with+600+Cops+to+Make+1+Arrest> at 4 February 2008
TechDirt, No Laughing Matter: Can You Copyright A Joke? (31 January 2008)
<http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080130/020249125.shtml> at 4 February 2008
Other File Sharing Software Lawsuits
ZeroPaid, Motion Picture Association Sues FileSharing Operator (17 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9274/Motion+Picture+Association+Sues+FileSharing+Operator>at 18 February 2008
P2p development
TechDirt, While US Blames P2P For Everything, EU Invests Money In It (20 February 2008)
< http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080220/120359305.shtml> at 22 February 2008
ZeroPaid, EU Invests 15M Euros in P2P TV Project (21 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9282/EU+Invests+15M+Euros+in+P2P+TV+Project> at 21 February 2008
P2p security
TechDirt, White House Realizes That Outlawing P2P No Excuse For Gov't Employee Stupidity (15 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080214/191356259.shtml> at 29 February 2008
P2p Statistics
ZeroPaid, RIAA - Filesharing Growth Has 'Stabilized' (25 February 2008)
<http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9287/RIAA+-+Filesharing+Growth+Has+%27Stabilized%27> at 25 February 2008
The NPD Group, Consumers Acquire More Music in 2007, But Spend Less (26 February 2008) <http://www.npd.com/press/releases/press_080226a.html> at 27 February 2008
Slyck, P2P Downloading Still a Top Choice for Kids (30 January 2008) <http://www.slyck.com/story1651_P2P_Downloading_Still_a_Top_Choice_for_Kids> at 5 February 2008
Sydney Morning Herald, War on music piracy (17 February 2008) <http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2008/02/16/1202760662778.html> at 19 February 2008
Digital Music News, Post-Acquisition, Universal Easily Beats EMI Publishing Share (30 January 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/013008umg> at 4 February 2008
Digital Music News, Universal Music Satisfies Regulators, Sheds Publishing Assets (25 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/022408universal> at 28 February 2008
Digital Music News, Warner/Chappell Dealmaking Eases European Digital Licensing (30 January 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/013008warner> at 4 February 2008
Digital Music News, Qtrax No-Show Continues, "Technical Issues" Remain (12 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021108qtrax> at 19 February 2008
Recording Contracts
ZeroPaid, Universal Music Sued for Cheating Music Artists Out of Royalties (19 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9277/Universal+Music+Sued+for+Cheating+Music+Artists+Out+of+Royalties> at 21 February 2008
Digital Music News, 360 + Change: Labels Pushing Harder on Broader Deals (10 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021008change> at 19 February 2008
Digital Music News, Mechanical Licensing Battle Royale Gets Started (6 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/020508mechanical> at 19 February 2008
TechDirt, Royalty Agreements Holding Up Necessary Change In The Music Industry (5 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080203/230509164.shtml> at 7 February 2008
Digital Music News, Mechanical Licensing Battle Royale Gets Started (6 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/020508mechanical> at 19 February 2008
ZeroPaid, RIAA Wants Songwriter Royalties Cut by 39% (6 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9245/RIAA+Wants+Songwriter+Royalties+Cut+by+39%25%3F> at 7 February 2008
TechDirt, Royalty Agreements Holding Up Necessary Change In The Music Industry (5 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080203/230509164.shtml> at 7 February 2008
ArsTechnica, Artists' best interests? RIAA presses for lower royalties (5 February 2008) <http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080205-riaa-dima-want-to-slash-songwriter-royalties-for-digital-music.html> at 7 February 2008
Digital Muisc News, XM Satellite Settles Down, Reaches Sony BMG Accord (1 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/020108xm> at 6 February 2008
Search Engines
Yahoo News UK/Ireland, Chinese music industry groups file suit against Baidu (28 February 2008) <http://uk.news.yahoo.com/rtrs/20080228/tot-uk-baidu-lawsuit-copyright-566e283.html> at 29 February 2008
TechDirt, Record Labels Keep On Trying: Sue Baidu For Copyright Infringement Yet Again (5 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080205/084632179.shtml> at 7 February 2008
ArsTechnica, IFPI sues Baidu, Yahoo China over deep linking MP3s (5 February 2008)
<http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080205-ifpi-sues-baidu-yahoo-china-over-deep-linking-mp3s.html> at 6 February 2008
Slyck, YouTorrent Interview (11 February 2008) <http://www.slyck.com/story1660_YouTorrent_Interview> at 13 February 2008
Social Norms
Digital Music News, Kids Today, "Greatest Generation Gap Since Rock N' Roll" (30 January 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/013008growing> at 4 February 2008
Slyck, P2P Downloading Still a Top Choice for Kids (30 January 2008) <http://www.slyck.com/story1651_P2P_Downloading_Still_a_Top_Choice_for_Kids> at 5 February 2008
Digital Music News, Struggling Subscription: Rhapsody Numbers Show Modest Growth (8 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/020708rnwk> at 19 February 2008
Digital Music News, Unlimited Has Its Limits; Yahoo Taps Rhapsody on Subscription (5 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/020108unlimited> at 6 February 2008
TechDirt, House Approves Bill To Require Universities To Offer Students Music Services Politics (8 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080207/232136204.shtml> at 8 February 2008
Michael Geist, The SAC 'Distraction' (25 February 2008) <http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/2714/125/> at 28 February 2008
TechDirt, Why A Music Download Tax Is A Bad Idea (26 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080225/094249346.shtml> at 28 February 2008
Traffic Shaping/Network Neutrality
Future of Music Coallition, FACT SHEET: Network Neutrality (January 2008) <http://www.futureofmusic.org/articles/NNfactsheet.cfm> at 18 February 2008
SiliconValley.com/Associated Press, N.Y. attorney general subpoenas Comcast on traffic throttling (26 February 2008) <http://www.siliconvalley.com/news/ci_8369162?nclick_check=1> at 29 February 2008
The Register, New York Subpoenas Comcast 'reasonable network management' records (27 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/27/andrew_cuomo_subpoenas_comcast/> at 28 February 2008
CNet News Blog, Net pioneers trash Comcast's P2P traffic treatment (25 February 2008) <http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9878841-7.html?tag=nefd.top> at 26 February 2008
The New York Times, FCC to Act on Delaying of Broadband Traffic (25 February 2008) <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/25/technology/25cnd-fcc.html?_r=2&ex=1361682000&en=400675c21d9dc50b&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss&pagewanted=all&oref=slogin&oref=slogin> at 28 February 2008
FreedomToTinker, Comcast’s Disappointing Defense (18 February 2008) <http://www.freedom-to-tinker.com/?p=1256> at 22 February 2008
Digital Music News, In a Jam, Comcast Defends Traffic-Throttling (13 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021208comcast> at 19 February 2008
ZeroPaid, Comcast to FCC: 'Yes, We Throttle BitTorrent Traffic, but So What?' (15 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9267/Comcast+to+FCC%3A+%27Yes%2C+We+Throttle+BitTorrent+Traffic%2C+but+So+What%3F%27> at 17 February 2008
TechDirt, Comcast Defends Its Traffic Shaping Efforts (13 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080213/133855251.shtml> at 15 February 2008
The Register, Comcast cops to BitTorrent busting (13 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/13/comcast_fcc_network_management_filing/> at 15 February 2008
The Register, BitTorrent busts Comcast BitTorrent busting (19 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/19/bittorrent_developers_hit_back_at_comcast/> at 19 February 2008
TechDirt, As Expected, BitTorrent Providers Planning To Route Around Comcast Barrier (18 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080215/171450267.shtml> at 19 February 2008
ArsTechnica, Comcast tweaks Terms of Service in wake of throttling uproar (7 February 2008) <http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080207-comcast-tweaks-terms-of-service-in-wake-of-throttling-uproar.html> at 8 February 2008
NewTeeVee, Road Runner, Charter and Cox TOS Also Include Anti-P2P Provisions (10 February 2008) <http://newteevee.com/2008/02/10/road-runner-charter-and-cox-tos-also-include-anti-p2p-provisions/> at 13 February 2008
TechDirt, We Need A Broadband Competition Act, Not A Net Neutrality Act (26 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080225/135642351.shtml> at 28 February 2008
msnbc/Associated Press, 'Net neutrality' bill introduced (13 February 2008)
<http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23147101/> at 18 February 2008
TechDirt, Markey's Non-Regulation Net Neutrality Regulation (13 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080213/122300247.shtml> at 15 February 2008
ZeroPaid, EU Invests 15M Euros in P2P TV Project (21 February 2008) <http://www.zeropaid.com/news/9282/EU+Invests+15M+Euros+in+P2P+TV+Project> at 21 February 2008
ArsTechnica, Blog, social network buzz correlates to better album sales (9February 2008) <http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080209-blog-social-network-buzz-correlates-to-better-album-sales.html> at 13 February 2008
You Tube
The Register, Pakistan blocks YouTube (25 February 2008) <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/25/pakistan_blocks_youtube/> at 28 February 2008
Digital Music News, Record 10 Billion Video Streams Viewed In December (12 February 2008) <http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/stories/021108video> at 19 February 2008
TechDirt, Humorless Guitarists Take Down Amusing YouTube Mashup Video (7 February 2008) <http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20080206/213656192.shtml> at 8 February 2008